Our name is not just an exercise in nomenclature. It is part of a thoughtful and determined plan we have undertaken to respond to external trends and to lead a broad and integrated initiative that will transform business education, impact how business is led, and deliver new education options for prospective and existing students.
We are focusing on seven pillars to guide us in delivering on this plan. They include:
- Purposeful Leadership & Diversity Management
- Ethical Decision-Making
- Socially Responsible Practices
- Business Analytics
- Innovation & Technology
- Global and Cross-Cultural Perspectives
- Environmental Sustainability
Aligning with these pillars is a critical step in continuing to empower our students to succeed and lead. They help us select, evaluate, and foster the development of innovative curriculum, inform our decision-making, and develop our learning environment. We continue to expand our welcoming and intellectually curious community of faculty, students, and alumni who are sincerely dedicated to using their potential to engage with business and society and positively impact the world.
As a 21st century leader, learning how to understand leadership challenges and lead with purpose will be necessary to lay the foundation for your success.
What Is Purposeful Leadership?
These resources can help you understand some of the key aspects of purposeful leadership and why it’s an increasingly important part of modern business education.
Introduction to Purposeful Leadership – Talk
What are the principles of purposeful leadership and the arc of purposeful leadership? In this talk, you can learn the difference between the concepts of doing things right and doing the right thing. Click here to watch.
Leadership in Turbulent Times – Webinar
How do the principles of purposeful leadership apply within a crisis environment? What can you do for yourself, your team, your company, and your community to demonstrate purposeful leadership? Click here to watch.
The Arc of Purposeful Leadership – Leader to Leader Article
What is the arc of purposeful leadership, and how does it represent levels of purpose ranging from self‐management and team management to organizational strategy and societal responsibilities? Click here to read.

Banta Center for Ethical and Purposeful Leadership
Integrating ethical and purposeful leadership is the foundation for excellence in individual and organizational decision-making. The Banta Center offers you opportunities for developing a keen sense of ethics and responsibility in business leadership.